Voice and Chat Cognitive Conversational Assistants

To gain efficiencies and focus on your customer experience:

  • Using an Omnichannel Platform
  • Achieving efficiencies of up to 65%
  • With more than 30 voice call and natural conversation scenarios currently in production
  • Taking care of your customers’ experience

Pre-configured use cases with very fast implementation

For the automation of completely new business scenarios, we develop customized use cases together, aiming to optimize the customer journey.

Collection Agency

Collection Agency

Intelligent platform for debt management. Manage your campaigns with different scripts.



Allows you to manage inbound calls with requests such as orders or appointments.

Customer Service

Customer Service

Allows you to manage inbound customer calls with complaints.



Allows you to manage outbound sales campaigns, handling dialogue options and offers flexibly.

Welcome Calls

Welcome Calls

Allows you to validate your customers' data for the Onboarding process, in voice format, and manage the welcome messages you define for the customer.

Field Service

Field Service

Omnichannel attention for managing 100% or partially self-managed field service cases.

AI-powered Voice and Chat Conversation Management Platform

Automate repetitive tasks and escalate to human agents only when necessary. New and Existing Customers.


Lead Generation

Ut enim ad minima veniam nostrum exercitationem ullam suscipit.


Welcome and Verification Calls

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehen deritqui in ea voluptate.


Customer Support

Etharum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Cross Sell

Cross & UpSell Calls

Etharum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.



Etharum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Let's check all our Solutions

Conversational assistants to automate your contacts.

Collection Agency

Manage your campaigns with different scripts

+ Preventive Overdue
+ Early Overdue
+ Late Overdue
+ Notices (Total Debit Non-Payment, Rejected Check, Mortgage Loan Discount)

Configurable and parameterizable. It allows you to manage the platform tailored to your needs

Completely elastic and scalable. No volume limits, choosing intensity and hours

Escalation with integrated transfer to human agents if required

Omnichannel. Voice, chat, and SMS. Your strategy, the platform allows you to execute it fully automatically.

Immediate implementation.

Management report.

Cost reduction of up to 70%
Contactability and recovery levels (similar to those achieved by human agents)


Validation of parameters, such as user, promotion codes, requested product type.

Completely elastic and scalable, no volume limits, choosing availability and hours.

Omnichannel. Voice, Chat, and SMS. Your strategy, the platform allows you to execute it fully automatically.

Possibility of integration with your company's systems for transactions and management.

Configurable and parameterizable. It allows you to manage the platform tailored to your needs.

Implementation in weeks. Depending on the number of integrations required.

Escalation with integrated transfer to a human agent if required.

Cost reduction of up to 40%
Missed Calls
Missed Calls 0%

Customer Service

Possibility of integration with your company's systems for transactions and management.

Escalation with integrated transfer to a human agent if required.

Omnichannel. Voice, Chat, and SMS. Your strategy, the platform allows you to execute it fully automatically.

Data validation.

Configurable and parameterizable, it allows you to manage the platform tailored to your needs.

Implementation in days or weeks depending on the case and the levels of integration required.

Cost reduction of up to 40%
Missed Calls
Missed Calls 0%


Configurable and parameterizable, it allows you to manage the platform tailored to your needs.

Escalation with integrated transfer to human agents if required.

Omnichannel. Voice, Chat, and SMS. Your strategy, the platform allows you to execute it fully automatically.

Possibility to manage different scripts.

Completely elastic and scalable. No volume limits, choosing intensity and hours.

Implementation in days.

Cost reduction of up to 70%
Acceleration #leads/day

Welcome Calls

Approve or reject requests based on the validations performed.

Possibility of integration with your company's systems for transactions and management.

Implementation in days.

Configurable and parameterizable, it allows you to manage the platform tailored to your needs.

Escalation with integrated transfer to a human agent if required.

Omnichannel. Voice, Chat, and SMS. Your strategy, the platform allows you to execute it fully automatically.

Cost reduction of up to 40%

Field Service

Omnichannel attention for managing 100% or partially self-managed field service cases

Adaptation to the specifics of your most frequent cases.

Integration with your Management Systems

Management of images or multimedia access if required

Calls answered 24x7 100%